All About Adinkra Symbols
Adinkra Symbols originate from West Africa and appear on a variety of things, including fabrics, sculptures, and artwork.
The symbols can be traced back to Ghana and have been used to represent proverbs, parables, and other concepts significant to the the country’s Akan people.
The Book
“Values of Adinkra Symbols” is an insightful book I believe should be in everyone’s library. The author provides context on over 50 symbols, noting their Akan proverbs with English translations, an explanation of any metaphors or phrases, a background of the symbol as it relates to customs, religious beliefs, and historical events, and finally, moral lessons.
Studying the language and art of a group of people is one of many ways to learn about their culture. Adinkra Symbols are both a beautiful work of art in addition to a method of communication.
Since 2019, I’ve been working with the author, an artist and teacher at one of Ghana’s top universities, to bring this book to people around the world. While we are living in a digital age, I believe it is important that we commit to sharing knowledge in a way that respects the intellectual property rights of others.
Adinkra-inspired Yoga
Another way to learn about these symbols is through African Yoga.
In 2020, we collaborated with the brand YOGA KONGA to offer an exclusive bundle featuring our Adinkra Symbols book and the YOGA KONGA Travel Mat. It contains seven Adinkra symbols that best align with the seven main Chakras.
It is generally understood that in the practice of yoga, Chakras represent different energy points within the body.
The seven Chakras, which originate from India, are the:
Crown (just above the crown of the head)
Third Eye (between the eyebrows)
Sacral (pelvis); and
Root (base of the spine).
The seven Adinkra Symbols on the YOGA KONGA Travel Yoga Mat are:
“Sunsum” (Soul) — aligns with Crown Chakra
”Ohene” (Vigilance) — aligns with Third Eye Chakra
”Adinkrahene” (Greatness) — aligns with Throat Chakra
”Osrane Ne Nsoromma” (the Moon and the Star) — aligns with Heart Chakra
”Dwennimmen” (Strength) — algins with Navel Chakra
”Denkyem” (Adaptability) — aligns with Sacral Chakra; and
”Asase Ye Duru” (Divinity of the Earth) — aligns with Root Chakra.
Fish Pose
This exercise stretches the spine and opens up the chest.
It targets the Heart Chakra, which works like a harmonizing bridge between the three higher, sprititual-oriented Chakras and the three lower, worldly-oriented Chakras. — YOGA KONGA
Adinkra Symbol “Osrane Ne Nsororomma” (the Moon and the Star)
This symbol represents harmony, cooperation, and union between different people in society. This symbol represents the Heart Chakra on the YOGA KONGA mat.
Our book about Adinkra Symbols describes the proverb and moral values behind this symbol. It also teaches us the Akan belief regarding the masculine and feminine nature of this symbol.
Adinkra Symbol
Our book describes why this is known to be the “King of all Symbols”
On March 6, 2020, we commemorated Ghana’s Independence with YOGA KONGA by exploring the significance of Adinkra symbols.
For seven days, we shared (via Instagram) what we have learned about the traditional names and meanings of each of the seven Adinkra Symbols on YOGA KONGA’s mat. We discussed how each symbol relates to the seven main Chakras, and Isa Konga, the Founder of YOGA KONGA, demonstrated how we can use Kemetic yoga poses to strengthen those specific areas of the mind and body.